Archive: June 2010

Cold Turkey

I drove home with a mind bursting like an over-sized belly pushing out between shirt buttons on Thanksgiving. No music. No phone calls. Just me and thoughts spilling out of my ears. It’s easy to devour introspective-feel-sorry-for-myself-thoughts but it’s better to take a healthy serving of reality. I decided that I’m going cold turkey with

Cold Turkey

I drove home with a mind bursting like an over-sized belly pushing out between shirt buttons on Thanksgiving. No music. No phone calls. Just me and thoughts spilling out of my ears. It’s easy to devour introspective-feel-sorry-for-myself-thoughts but it’s better to take a healthy serving of reality. I decided that I’m going cold turkey with

On the Road to Vacation

As I entered the mind battle of unplugging from work, I looked out the window across the corn rows at the tiny flickers made by lightning bugs (a bug on my ‘acceptable’ bug list). Looking over the field I wondered: is life simpler out here or just different. I felt like I was driving through

On the Road to Vacation

As I entered the mind battle of unplugging from work, I looked out the window across the corn rows at the tiny flickers made by lightning bugs (a bug on my ‘acceptable’ bug list). Looking over the field I wondered: is life simpler out here or just different. I felt like I was driving through

A Product Of

When I said, “we are just a product of our environment,” I wanted to crumble the words up and swallow them down as if they were never spoken. Time travel machine be invented sooner. If you want to make big change, you have to start small. Jessica Jackley (co-founder of My deepest fear is

A Product Of

When I said, “we are just a product of our environment,” I wanted to crumble the words up and swallow them down as if they were never spoken. Time travel machine be invented sooner. If you want to make big change, you have to start small. Jessica Jackley (co-founder of My deepest fear is

Roses In Roses Out

As part of my graduate studies for professional counseling each student was required to attend a number of group counseling sessions. After finding an Al-Anon group that fit into my schedule, I couldn’t think of an excuse that would leave me guilt free so integrity talked me into my first Al-Anon group. I found a

Roses In Roses Out

As part of my graduate studies for professional counseling each student was required to attend a number of group counseling sessions. After finding an Al-Anon group that fit into my schedule, I couldn’t think of an excuse that would leave me guilt free so integrity talked me into my first Al-Anon group. I found a

The Art of Growing

In my childhood I was a real life version of the awkward girl in teen movies complete with glasses (my eyes were not the same prescription, so one eye was more magnified than the other regardless of how much I squinted), clothes from my great aunt who wore flamingo pink lipstick and loved garage sales,

The Art of Growing

In my childhood I was a real life version of the awkward girl in teen movies complete with glasses (my eyes were not the same prescription, so one eye was more magnified than the other regardless of how much I squinted), clothes from my great aunt who wore flamingo pink lipstick and loved garage sales,