Archive: September 2010

Mediterranean Goal in Aisle 9

My selection process for food at the grocery store is loosely based on my desire for a challenge so I pick out, what I would consider, interesting food. Really I pick out food that I wish I cooked, which means I should have more than pretzels, cheese, and apples in my cart. Tonight was a

Mediterranean Goal in Aisle 9

My selection process for food at the grocery store is loosely based on my desire for a challenge so I pick out, what I would consider, interesting food. Really I pick out food that I wish I cooked, which means I should have more than pretzels, cheese, and apples in my cart. Tonight was a

Rhythm o’ Lazy

It’s 11 a.m. and I haven’t done much besides check the weather, which was a redundant thing to do since I could already hear the thunder and see the rain. The report coming from the automated computer voice with a slight English accent was quite simply, “rain today.” Good to know. Now off to my

Rhythm o’ Lazy

It’s 11 a.m. and I haven’t done much besides check the weather, which was a redundant thing to do since I could already hear the thunder and see the rain. The report coming from the automated computer voice with a slight English accent was quite simply, “rain today.” Good to know. Now off to my

Solve Your Problem: Chuck It

The past few weeks, I’ve been on the front lines in meetings and I think I might have come close to death more than once. Have you read the book, Death By Meeting by Patrick Lencioni? It’s about how to have, hold, and lead effective meetings (as you could probably infer from the title). Never

Solve Your Problem: Chuck It

The past few weeks, I’ve been on the front lines in meetings and I think I might have come close to death more than once. Have you read the book, Death By Meeting by Patrick Lencioni? It’s about how to have, hold, and lead effective meetings (as you could probably infer from the title). Never

Find the Confidence You Need in 1 Easy Step

Step 1: Do something.On Sunday, I did. I finished goal #1 on my list of goals: complete a half marathon. Check.Sometimes we need something to keep our mind off of other things. For me, work can be consuming (sometimes)…(actually lots of times). So in an act of emotional health desperation, I wrote down my goals

Find the Confidence You Need in 1 Easy Step

Step 1: Do something. On Sunday, I did. I finished goal #1 on my list of goals: complete a half marathon. Check. Sometimes we need something to keep our mind off of other things. For me, work can be consuming (sometimes)…(actually lots of times). So in an act of emotional health desperation, I wrote down

A Series of Events that Never Happened

If I believed in luck, maybe it would have been on my side and I would have missed the whole series of events that were about to unfold… or rather not unfold. I watched a woman reach into a public trash can in Chicago and pull out a mangled Dunkin’ Doughnut wrapper. She looked inside.

A Series of Events that Never Happened

If I believed in luck, maybe it would have been on my side and I would have missed the whole series of events that were about to unfold… or rather not unfold. I watched a woman reach into a public trash can in Chicago and pull out a mangled Dunkin’ Doughnut wrapper. She looked inside.