Archive: September 2013

Simple Choices

Some days feel simple like life adds up to a choice. Choice after choice. Choose to be happy. Choose to engage. Choose to believe the best. Choose to trust. Choose to move even when you’d rather vanish in a puff of smoke and enter a new story anonymously.  Poof! In this fantasy I think about

Simple Choices

Some days feel simple like life adds up to a choice. Choice after choice. Choose to be happy. Choose to engage. Choose to believe the best. Choose to trust. Choose to move even when you’d rather vanish in a puff of smoke and enter a new story anonymously.  Poof! In this fantasy I think about

Smart Dog, Dumb Dog

They say you should always let the dog choose you.  We didn’t.  We chose our dog.  She is the strangest most stubborn animal I have ever come across. We got our dog from a rescue agency.  I felt nervous because the agency even did a house visit to make sure we were fit to be

Smart Dog, Dumb Dog

They say you should always let the dog choose you.  We didn’t.  We chose our dog.  She is the strangest most stubborn animal I have ever come across. We got our dog from a rescue agency.  I felt nervous because the agency even did a house visit to make sure we were fit to be

Junk Drawer of Feelings

Big puffy clouds and I just want to fade away. Not fade away in a morbid sense but fade away in the numb sense.  Fade away in the sense that I want to freeze time while I get my thoughts and feelings together.  Together like a neatly organized drawer of manilla envelopes with perfectly even

Junk Drawer of Feelings

Big puffy clouds and I just want to fade away. Not fade away in a morbid sense but fade away in the numb sense.  Fade away in the sense that I want to freeze time while I get my thoughts and feelings together.  Together like a neatly organized drawer of manilla envelopes with perfectly even