Does personal growth need intentionality for it to
work?  In other words, can a person grow
despite walking through life with an ignorance is bliss smirk?  (Which, in spite of my strong opposition to
clichés, I have come to realize ignorance
really is bliss
In 7th grade I decided to play basketball and
although I was average, I loved it.  It
was my first experience with a team sport. 
All of the quiet aggression I felt could be released by being an intense
defensive player, well at least for a 7th grader with a mouth full
of braces and B.O.  Looking back, most of
the practices and games are a blur. 
But one game stands out. 
When I stole the ball, I felt the excitement of a fast break.  The gym filled with shouts of cheers and yelling
from the crowd of parents.  I was full of
nerves.  When I reached the basket, I took
my shot.  I missed, only to learn that I
had stolen the ball from the opposing team and then ran to their basket (Yep,
that explains why no one was running behind me to stop me).  I tried to make 2 points at the wrong
hoop.  Ignorance is bliss. 
I grew on that day. 
It was not intentional.
I’d like to think I’ve moved beyond my awkward 7th grade
growing pains.  But at 29, I’m still
finding out about how I can learn from my experiences (even the embarrassing
ones).  Below are three questions that a
friend challenged me to reflect on each day.

  1. What did
    you feel?
      In the growing moments of
    life, how were your feelings? What was the root of those feelings?   
  2. What did
    you learn?
      What’s your take-away
    from the day’s experiences?
  3. What
    should you do differently next time?
    Growth means changing and improving on how you’re wired.  Growth assumes that you have more knowledge
    to respond to things differently.
I challenge you to step beyond
the bliss and reflect on ways that growth can be more intentional for you.