My high school Spanish class teacher deemed Fridays as a day to emphasize school spirit. The class would celebrate with “Hoy Es Viernes!” (It’s Friday!) and do football cheers. It was contrived celebration by an overly enthusiastic (and a little strange) Spanish teacher. Regardless of my judgements about the Friday excitement- it worked. Students got into the whole thing and actually participated.

This brings me to my question of the day: Can formulaic fun turn into authentic fun? Does the saying fake it until you make it hold true?

Take this one step further…In life, at work, in relationships- can a person pretend to be healthy and then someday magically the person really is healthy?

I don’t know the answers but there is something scary about faking our way through relationships, or life. I wonder though, if I want to change maybe it starts with faking since change goes against human nature. Change is uncomfortable so faking is a way to act out how the change would feel. If change it a tight rope walk with sweaty palms, faking it is a safety net.
Top business thinker and advocate for change, Gary Hamel, addressed church leaders:
We are not going to get fundamentally better at changing lives until we get fundamentally better at changing our churches.
I think that we’re not going to get better at changing lives or churches until we are able to change ourselves. Changing the person I’m closest to, me, could be one of the most difficult challenges.
Hoy es viernes!