When I fell I told myself: don’t write about this…. don’t write about this…. don’t write about this… I’m writing about this.

Saturday morning was cool and for the first time in a month, I was looking forward to the long run in my prep for the Chicago 1/2 marathon. All I had to do was run out 4.5 miles then turn around and run home. At the 5 mile mark I tripped on a root (it was a really big root) and fell across the dirt trail like I was sliding into home plate. Left in my wake was a dirt cloud, some serious skin loss on the palms of my hands, and skinned knees. Tree root: 1, scarred Hanna: 0.

There’s a lesson in here. Training this summer has been hard, humid hard, but I’m getting to be a better runner (sans ‘the fall’). I think that’s how life is- we look for the finish line but forget that most of life happens in the ‘training’. I know for me, I’m obsessed with getting to the next stop but most of the important training and growth in my life has happened when I fell, had to get up, and keep going- without turning around or hiding. My growth has happened, largely in part, when I wasn’t comfortable or satisfied. I guess things don’t always go as planned and I guess giving myself time to grow is okay, even if I fall.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

For the curious readers (and for saving face- since I got beat up by a root), I ran the rest of the way home gladiator style, blood dripping down my dirt covered leg and all. Beat that Chuck Norris!