On my way home today I received a $50 ticket. The police officer was nice and even told me the steps I will need to take to get out of the ticket since it was a ‘minor’ offense- not having an Illinois license. To get out of the ticket I will need to go to the BMV (shoot me now), get an Illinois license, go to court (shoot me again), and detest the ticket at court.

Besides defining ways to get out of a ticket, I am writing because I noticed an interesting psychology happening within me as I considered making the change to an Illinois license. Women who are in abusive relationships often stay with the abuser because staying, despite the abuse, is ‘safer’ and less scary than actually taking the risk to leave. Does change only happen when staying in current reality (paying the $50) is more difficult than the change (going to BMV and updating license)?

How does this theory work when played out within life decisions? Did I only take my current job because my previous job was so painful and it made a new job look like The Emerald City? If I only had a brain. Does a person base all of their decisions on pain and level of difficulty?

When it comes to leadership and change, a key element is streaming a better new reality to allow people to buy into for change. Change that works takes A LOT of vision. Can I change without a vision of where I want to go? Does the psychology of change completely dictate weather or not change will actually take place?

Human nature is comfort. Change isn’t.

PS- Still haven’t decided whether or not to pay the fine or go to the BMV. That’s a tough one.